How much of a tax cut you’re going to get from July 1 and how you’ll receive it, explained

Unlike other tax breaks, however, these won’t hit your bank account all at once after you’ve filed your tax return. Instead, you’ll start taking advantage the moment you get your first paycheck in July.

Here’s how they’ll work and how much you’ll benefit.

A dollar sign written in the sky high above Martin Place
Stage 3 tax cuts are about to take effect. (SMH/Quentin Jones)

How will I get my Stage 3 tax reduction?

There is a bit of a misconception that the Stage 3 tax cuts will give people a bigger tax return at the end of each financial year.

While that’s how the recently ended low- and middle-income tax offset worked, the Stage 3 cuts are completely different.

By changing Australia’s tax brackets, they reduce how much tax everyone pays on their income.

For the vast majority of taxpayers, this means that instead of receiving a big, juicy tax return once a year, you’ll lose less of your income to the taxman and be able to take home more of your paycheck every week, fortnight or month.

It’s basically a pay raise you shouldn’t have asked for.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers gives a press conference.
Treasurer Jim Chalmers says the average tax cut under Stage 3 will be $1,888 a year. (Alex Ellinghausen/SMH)

How much tax reduction will I get?

The government says the average tax cut will be $1,888 a year – about $36 a week – but the exact amount will vary from person to person, depending on how much you earn.

Someone who earns $18,000 won’t get a cut because no one pays tax on the first $18,200 they earn.

People on the minimum wage, which for 52 weeks of work will be $47,626 from July 1, will see a cut of $870 over the year, or just under $16.70 a week.

The cuts become more significant the higher one’s salary is.

Someone earning $100,000 would have an extra $42 to spend or save each week, while anyone with $190,000 would receive $87 each week, or $4,529 per year.

It’s worth noting that these are just estimates based on federal government data – your exact tax cut may be different due to tax offsets, the Medicare levy and other financial circumstances.

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